Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hero by Perry Moore is a very unique novel set in an alternate that had me reading for hours until I finished.

Moore's novel has many different themes throughout the story. Trust is explored along with learning to love differences. These are the main themes that pop out at the a reader.

The style of Moore's Hero is slightly different than the style of most authors. The main character seems to say a lot more to himself in his mind than to other characters. This is the only unique quality about Moore's style, but the quality does add more to the book. Moore does a pretty good job of describing the settings of the book. Some places are well described while others are not.

Moore does an awesome job with his characters. They are all real people with various mental, emotional, or physical problems. I do believe the characters could be real people, however all the superpowers would have to go away first. The characters made me like the book a lot more than if the characters were dull and boring. The main character is Thom who has super powers that allow him to heal people. He is sensitive about some issues but is overall a pretty tough guy. Thom's dad Hal is involved in the story a lot. Hal was one of the world's greatest heroes until an accident stopped all his glory. Thom has a variety of super hero friends that all have different superpowers and are almost always helpful.

Hero takes place in a world where superheros and villains are everywhere. This alternate version of Earth is very different from our own Earth. Not only are there super powered people everywhere, there are monuments to heroes and even monuments to various disasters that have never happened on our Earth. Besides these main differences everything else is pretty similar to our own Earth.

Perry Moore does an amazing job with the plot of Hero. Thom Creed is a seemingly normal teen. However, Thom has many secrets that he has been battling with for years. You see, Thom has superpowers but that's not the biggest secret. Thom's biggest secret is that he is gay. Throughout the story Thom has to fight with these secrets, his father, and even the most powerful superheroes on Earth to have any chance of surviving.

Hero does not really relate to me because I have not really gone through any of the problems Thom has. This book also has a storyline that is very different from most novels.

I recommend Hero to everyone. However, I would advise parents to read this book before allowing your children to read Hero, because some of the subject matter may conflict with your views and values.

This book is 428 pages.


  1. I'm not sure what to write here. No offense but I'm only commenting because we have to comment on the four people after us[[:
