Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Makes a Leader a True Leader

Leaders are a very important part of society. They make many decisions that affect the lives of everyone. Because of this influence, a leader must be a good and true leader.

What exactly makes a true leader? Well a true leader prevails and makes good decision in the face of adversity. This means they do not become stunned and helpless when adversity strikes. True leaders must also know the ideas and values of the people of country they represent. Without this quality the decisions would be based on personal interest, which is bad. Intelligence is also a good quality. I know all leaders seem intelligent, but not all have a extreme bundle of intelligence.

I decided to make a list of my all time favorite leaders. I believe they are all true leaders and this is what I came up with:

1. Jesus Christ - Well he was Jesus.
2. John F. Kennedy - He was one of the best presidents ever who led us through the Cuban Missle Crisis.
3. Bill Clinton
4. Dwight Eisenhower - He led us through World War II.
5. Octavius - He reunited Rome after Caesar's death.
6. Abraham Lincoln
7. Fred from Scooby-Doo - He always had a plan.
8. Angry Mobs
9. Franklin D. Roosevelt - He helped the country out of the great depression.
10. Don Quihote

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