Thursday, November 11, 2010

An Explanation

For those in my English class, for those not in my English class, for those who do not ever talk to me, you have probably heard me make a negative comment at the Fox News. These smears probably give an aura of hatred for the "news" network. However, I only dislike the misnomer in the name and the widespread belief that Fox News is the most unbiased news network.

The misnomer in the name is ridiculous. Fox News is just as much of a news network as MTV or VH1. They both provide news with a plethora of other tidbits thrown in. Do not get me wrong, there is news on the channel, but that is not the end. All the hosts and guests provide numerous commentaries about the political scene. Watching the O'Reilly Factor, I have noticed that O'Reilly dismisses every guest with "thank you for your analysis." This shows that Fox News does not provide news but political commentary about the real news.

Fox News the most unbiased news network? That must be a joke for the very reason stated above. A commentary network cannot be unbiased, it is impossible. Sure the hosts can bring on guests of both parties, but that does not mean their opinions are equally listened too or shown. The fact is that Fox News provides almost strictly Republican commentary about various triumphs of the Republicans in office and the great failures of the virtually all Democrats in political office.

I hope this explanation will maybe help some people see the light, or maybe not. Just remember, this article is not a stab at anyone who watches Fox News. This is merely commentary on my personal beliefs and opinions on the network and why I do not watch.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you. Fox definitely, despite O'Reilly's claim of being "fair and balanced," leans to the right. The nugget here, I think, is the realization of the importance for us all to be able to analyze texts and issues and to think critically, for forces all around us try to persuade us.
