The Hunger Winter: Occupied Holland tells the story of a young dutch boy during the Nazi occupation of Holland during World War II. This book intrigues me because of my interest in the second world war. I am currently reading a book set during this horrific period and I would like to read an account of the realities of the harsh winter. This book is not in our class library but I will probably buy the book or go to a library.
Catch 22 is another book that tweaks my interest. I have heard this book is really fun and would like to decide for myself if the book is as funny as claimed. This book also takes place during World War II which immediately makes me want to read the book.
A third book I would like to read is The Lightning Thief. I saw the movie based on this book during the summer and I would like to read the real story.
This looks like a great list. I haven't yet read any of the Percy Jackson books. You'll have to tell me if I need to add them to my reading list.